Why a Jew Never Retires, Alan Dershowitz at 85

DON'T CENSOR YOUR OPPOSITION On From the Inside Out Podcast with Rivkah and Eda, join us as Alan Dershowitz, celebrated Harvard lawyer, professor, and author shares fascinating perspectives on overcoming both his personal allegations, and how Israel can fight (and win) the same battle. "I never understood what it felt like to be falsely accused. After I was, I could identify much more with the people who were." Jews have been accused for things they didn't do for centuries, famously, the Pesach blood libels, and more shared in the video. We should never give up on fighting false accusations. What are your thoughts about this? __________________________________________________ This episode is sponsored by Herzog Wine Cellars: herzogwine.com Enjoy ⁠The Herzog Lake County Cabernet Sauvignon - a recently introduced wine that is rich and flavorful, an absolute delight both to enjoy now and to age for many years to come. Try it here: https://herzogwine.com/product/special-reserve-cs-lake-county-2019-duplicate Want to sponsor an episode? Inquire today at podcastinsideout.com __________________________________________________ Want to be a part of more engaging, thought-provoking, and inspiring conversations like this? Follow Us On Social πŸ’« IG: https://loom.ly/ZvkVoNk πŸ’« FB: https://loom.ly/vbrQs-w πŸ’« TikTok: https://loom.ly/eIZJHcw πŸ’« Whatsapp: https://wa.me/16318460106 πŸ’« YouTube: https://loom.ly/ynf-umg __________________________________________________