Does your parter make you happy? …. #relationship #podcast #happiness

Listen to episode 93: Watch episode 93: Grief, anger, and shock turned our world over this week, losing 6 precious brothers and sisters in the most horrific way. We asked ourselves; “What we could do to strengthen the memory of the hostages, some way to possibly bring light in the face of this evil?” And the answer we found was tied to the new month of Elul we just entered. The answer was connection. The Hebrew month of Elul is a time where it’s more accessible to deepen our connection with God. He’s closer, we’re motivated. And we believe that when our connection to God is deeper, our connection to ourselves and each other follows to be deeper and more present as well. It’s a month of building bonds. Beginning with God, and ourselves, extending to our partners, our children, our siblings, friends, communities, and eventually even strangers. We decided to release this episode now specifically to open the discussion on strengthening our connections. We are a stronger nation when we are connected to God, ourselves, and eachother. May our work towards unity inside of ourselves, with God, and with our people as a whole being peace and healing. Episode 93 is streaming on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. Shabbat Shalom 💕 Rivkah & Eda . . . #fromtheinsideout #podcast #israel #gaza #relationships #episode #newepisode #marriageadvice #relationship #relationshift #relationshipadvice #unity #connection #youtube #podcastepisode #spotify #podcasts #conversation #elul